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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine27.02.2024, 10:07

Summary of 2023: the plan of the special fund of the state budget for the security and defence sector of Ukraine increased 7 times

post_Special fund plan.jpgThe plan for 2023 envisaged UAH 115 bn of expenditures from the special fund of the state budget for the security and defence sector of Ukraine. According to the defence and security sector agencies, in 2023, expenditures from this source of funding amounted to UAH 812.3 bn, which is 7 times more than planned.

It should be noted that 92.1% of the expenditures of the special fund of the state budget are charitable contributions, grants, gifts, and revenues from enterprises, organisations, individuals, and other budgetary institutions.

In addition, the sources of this fund were as follows: fees for services provided by budgetary institutions; economic activities; fees for rent and sale of property; scrap metal and military equipment disposal, etc.

Thus, last year, the expenditures of the special fund of the state budget accounted for 30.4% of the total funding of the security and defence sector. This had a positive impact, in particular, on their provision with material and technical resources.

To recap,  the analysis of the results of funding from the special fund of the state budget was carried out by the NSDC Office together with the security and defence sector bodies on behalf of Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Oleksii Danilov as part of the control over the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine dated 15 September 2022 “On Proposals to the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2023”, enacted by Decree of the President of Ukraine No.651 dated 15 September 2022.


For reference: As of today, the NSDC Office monitors the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine dated 9 October 2023 “On Proposals to the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2024” on the Items Related to Ensuring National Security and Defence of Ukraine”, enacted by the Decree of President of Ukraine No.682 dated 9 October 2023.

In line with paragraph 2 of this Decree, the Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine shall be charged with monitoring the implementation of the Council’s decision.