Financing of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in January-December 2021 was fully completed
Within the framework of control over the implementation of the NSDC decision of November 5, 2020 “On Proposals to the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021” in regards to articles related to national security and defense of Ukraine, enacted by the Decree of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy of November 5, 2020, № 486, the NSDC Staff, at the instruction of Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine, analyzed the state of relevant financing of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in 2021.
The analysis showed that financing of the security and defense sector of Ukraine was fully completed according to the monthly allocations schedule.
The total funding of the security and defense sector of Ukraine amounted to 265 567,6 million hryvnias. As compared to 2020, the financial resource for the security and defense sector of Ukraine in 2021 increased by 16 427,8 million hryvnias, or by 6,6%. In 2021, revenues to the special fund of the state budget amounted to 25 177,3 which is 7 373,4 million hryvnias more than in 2020.
Due financing of the security and defense sector bodies of Ukraine during 2021 has enabled them to ensure the fulfillment of their tasks.
At the same time, the subjects of the security and defense sector of Ukraine do not always justifiably plan the state budget expenditures necessary to meet their needs, as well as sometimes use budget funds inefficiently and unreasonably.
Based on the analysis, Mr. Danilov instructed the Council Staff in the framework of the Interagency working group on preparing materials for the NSDC meetings to develop proposals on how to address issues in financing Ukraine’s security and defense sector, in particular increasing the amount of financial support for servicemen, soldiers and officers, police, as well as providing them with housing.
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy was informed about the implementation of this decision of the Council.