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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine22.09.2021, 09:09

The first National Cyberсecurity Summit will gather domestic and foreign leaders in the cybersecurity sphere

On September 23, this year the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity (NCCC) under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global) are holding the first summit of the National Cybersecurity Cluster.

The topic of the first National Cybersecurity Summit is “Results of the first half of the National Cyberіecurity Cluster. Priorities for the future and directions for development”, - covers important and topical issues of strengthening the cyber protection capabilities of critical infrastructure, security and defense sector, state enterprises and scientific institutions of Ukraine.

Plans for cooperation with international partners for 2021-2022 will also be developed.

Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Serhiy Demedyuk, Senior Assistance Coordinator (U.S. Embassy in Ukraine) David Allen Schlefer; Head of the Information Security and Cybersecurity Service of the Staff of NSDC of Ukraine Natalia Tkachuk, Head of the Service of the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity at the NSDC of Ukraine Serhiy Prokopenko, Cybersecurity Program Operations Director at CRDF Global Todd Spires.

Among the participants of the summit are representatives of the embassies of the U.S., the UK, Japan, Estonia, NATO, USAID, IFES.


The National Cybersecurity Cluster is a coordination platform that unites the resources, capabilities, competencies of the NSDC of Ukraine and the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, governmental organizations, international partners, and the private sector.

The main tasks of the National Cybersecurity Cluster: increasing the level of the strategic potential of the national cybersecurity system, developing the professional cyber community, and ensuring the safe cyberspace of Ukraine.

Six meetings of the National Cybersecurity Cluster were held. The topics of the previous meetings were the development of the National Cyber ​​Crisis Response Plan, improving the training of cybersecurity specialists, developing public-private partnerships, supporting scientific and applied research, protecting critical infrastructure, cybersecurity challenges in the energy sector and defense, cyberbiosafety as a hybrid cybersecurity subject and biosecurity, etc.