The head of the state Volodymyr Zelensky by Decree № 486 of November 5, 2020 put into execution the decision of the NSDC of Ukraine of November 5, 2020 "Proposals to the draft of Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021" to the articles concerned with ensuring the national security and defense of Ukraine"
The head of the state Volodymyr Zelensky by Decree № 486 of November 5, 2020 put into execution the decision of the NSDC of Ukraine of November 5, 2020 "Proposals to the draft of Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021" to the articles concerned with ensuring the national security and defense of Ukraine".
Commenting on the signing the decree, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov, mentioned that financing the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine is a priority for the President, in spite of some economic difficulties in cause of the pandemic.
According to the Secretary of the Council, on the bidding of the President of Ukraine and by the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine the amount of relevant budget for 2021 has been increased in comparison with last year.
Thus, according to the decision of the NSDC of Ukraine financing the security and defense sector in the next 2021 was proposed at the level of not less than 5.93% of GDP or not less than 267,250.9 million UAH, which is corresponding to requirements of the law on national security of Ukraine.
It will allow the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine while finalizing the draft of the law on the State Budget for 2021, if necessary, to increase these indicators.
By the decision of the NSDC of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in charge in 2021 to take measures to ensure priority funding the activities of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in main areas, including:
The development of the security and defense sector on NATO standards;
The implementation of measures for the development, preproduction and purchasing of new models of weapons and military equipment;
The strengthening of the air defense system;
The development of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
The implementation of state policy in the cyber security sphere;
The strengthening of intelligence capabilities of the state.
The government is also tasked to increase funding for the Ministry of Defense, security and defense agencies, to pay for military personnel, including emoluments.
The Cabinet of Ministers during three months term have to develop and approve a state target defense program for the implementation in the interests of the security and defense sector of projects for the implementation of research and development of new technologies.
Beside this, next year the security and defense sector will need to strengthen financial discipline in the area of budget management and ensure targeted, efficient and effective use of the amount set by the state budget.
After the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget for 2021", the Ministry of Finance should ensure timely funding of the State budget expenditures provided for the security and defense sector in full.