The key indicators of the state defense order for 2020, 2021 and 2022 have been approved at the meeting of the NSDC of Ukraine
The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, chaired by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, at its meeting on Tuesday, has approved the key indicators of the state defense order (hereinafter - SDO) for 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Following the consideration of the issue, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was instructed to approve this document, taking into account the proposals made to revise it in order to enhance the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the development of deterrence forces.
According to the approved document, in 2020, 25,848 billion hryvnias funding will be provided for the implementation of the SDO, which is 16% more than is 2019. 14 state customers will participate in the implementation of the SDO.
The state defense order provides for financing of measures for the development of production capacities of the defense-industrial complex for the total amount of 2,53 billion hryvnias (9,8% of the SDO).
Of these, 1,7 billion hryvnias will be allocated to research and development activities.
According to preliminary estimates, the share of domestic suppliers will be almost 90% of production, imports - about 10%, respectively, which implies support for domestic defense industry.
Moreover, the meeting addressed issues directly related to the implementation of the SDO and the technical equipment of the security and defense forces. This concerns the development of the defense-industrial complex and the legal support of its activities, in particular, the development of the Strategy for the development of the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine and relevant legislative acts.
Among other things, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was tasked with submitting to the Parliament draft laws to establish favorable conditions for attracting foreign investment in the defense industry, as well as financial stabilization and support of its enterprises.
The state defense order provides for further development and procurement by major projects in developing missile weapons.
The Government was also instructed to provide full funding, without reducing the relevant state budget expenditures or redistribution to other needs, and to amend a number of national targeted defense-industrial in terms of their extension.
The decision also contains orders for other ministries, agencies and government defense procurers.
The joint efforts of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine made it for the increase of financial resources for defense and security of the state to 245,8 billion hryvnias, which is almost by 30 billion hryvnias more than in 2019.