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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine12.12.2019, 08:45

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov discussed with the EUAM the ways of intensifying cooperation in the sphere of civilian security

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov invites the EU Advisory Mission on Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine to step up cooperation with the NSDC and to focus on specific projects. This is especially important in the rough conditions of external aggression that Ukraine has been repelling for several years.

During the meeting, the NSDC Secretary informed the EUAM delegation headed by Antti Juhani Hartikainen about key aspects of the updated National Security Strategy. In this context, he informed that, on the instructions of the President of Ukraine, the draft National Security Strategy was developed by a working group comprising of representatives of the government authorities, the scientific environment, and civil society institutions.

The Head of the EU Advisory Mission on Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine informed the Ukrainian side about the results of the mission's activities since 2014 and made proposals for specific projects, offering options for more effective further cooperation.

Mr. Danilov informed the EUAM delegation about the results of the Normandy format negotiations, which took place on December 9 this year in Paris.

Mr. Danilov also noted the importance of cybersecurity issues when considering the systematic actions of the state in the security sector under the current conditions. "Proper use of modern capabilities in this area can establish all the preconditions for building an open state model", - the NSDC Secretary emphasized.

The EUAM representatives agreed on the importance of intensifying cooperation in this direction. Mr. Hartikainen also stressed the mission's readiness to further provide comprehensive support in the preparation of legislative changes to improve the activities of public authorities in civilian security.

The NSDC Secretary expressed his gratitude to the mission and the EU as a whole for their assistance, in particular, in the security sector. He also presented his vision of specific areas where our cooperation could be intensified in the near future.

As a result of the meeting, the parties agreed to continue cooperation in a working format in accordance with agreed priorities.