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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine06.03.2019, 19:10

The NSDC of Ukraine at its meeting considered the issue of reforming the defense-industrial complex and increasing the transparency of implementing the state defense order

On March 6, 2019, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, at its meeting, considered the issue of reforming the defense-industrial complex and increasing the transparency of implementing the state defense order.

According to Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov, in conditions of Russia's armed aggression, all basic needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations are provided by the Ukrainian defense industry. "The national defense industry is implementing systemic programs for the production of a wide range of weapons and military equipment, in particular, powerful missile systems", - the NSDC Secretary said adding that the priority of the missile program "is particularly important given Russia's withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which, above all, creates an additional threat to the security of our country".

"Reforming of the security and defense sector, in particular, of such its important component as the defense-industrial complex, is one of our priorities", - Mr. Turchynov noticed.

According to him, the directions of reforming the defense-industrial complex were developed with the involvement of leading experts from the countries-strategic partners of Ukraine - members of the North Atlantic Alliance, as well as independent military experts from our country. "Taking into account these developments, the NSDC of Ukraine adopted a decision envisaging a set of measures for reforming the defense-industrial complex and increasing the transparency of implementing the state defense order as well as priority steps regarding the systematic struggle against any corruption manifestations and the responsibility of top-managers irrespective of their rank and position", - Mr. Turchynov noted.

The NSDC Secretary also reported that following the meeting, it was entrusted to conduct an audit and inspection of the activities of the SC "Ukroboronprom" and its enterprises with the participation of foreign experts.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the State Bureau of Investigation are recommended to carry out a review and provide a legal assessment of the facts of violations in defense procurements and to inform the public about the results.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was assigned to raise the level of transparency, strengthen state control over the activities of the SC "Ukroboronprom", and engage specialists from NATO countries to the work of the Supervisory Board of the SC "Ukroboronprom".

The Government was assigned to consider the establishment of a central executive body on ensuring the implementation of the state military-industrial policy and the management of state-owned objects in the relevant sphere.

It was also instructed to initiate amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On State Defense Order" in order to increase the level of transparency of public procurements, in particular, the drafting of the state defense order in an open-data form, except for a narrow range of defense products containing state secrets.

"During the implementation of the SDO it is necessary to give preference to defense products, works and services of domestic origin, and to prioritize the involvement of national producers and suppliers in fulfilling the state defense order", - Oleksandr Turchynov emphasized.

Also, a number of other issues were considered at the meeting, in particular, increasing the openness and transparency of the defense-industrial complex, attracting investment, providing the modern level of innovation and the quality of research and development of domestic defense industry.