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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine14.09.2018, 19:05

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov and CEO of Jigsaw (Google Ideas) Jared Cohen discussed cooperation in the issues of cyber defense

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov met with founder and CEO of Jigsaw (Google Ideas) Jared Cohen, a member of the advisory board of the US National Counterterrorism Center.

During the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the issues of cyber and information aggression of the Russian Federation, paying attention to the experience of the US experts and Ukraine, which countered several powerful attacks by Russia.

Mr. Turchynov noted that Ukraine has considerably strengthened its cyberdefense in a rather short time, and, according to experts, has reached the level of many countries of the European Union in this direction. At the same time, Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine added that "many issues remain unresolved, and that's why much more needs to be done to ensure reliable cyberdefense of the country". "Therefore, Ukraine is interested in active cooperation in this issue with our strategic partners", - he said.

In his turn, Mr. Cohen noticed that the Russian Federation conducts its information and cyberattacks in three directions - the east of Ukraine, where hostilities are ongoing, the internal destabilization of our country, the destruction of its political system and discrediting transparent and fair elections, as well as Ukraine's reputation in the world. "This motivated us to come here", - he said.

Jared Cohen also told about the experience of US security agencies in countering information fakes and new software developments in this domain.

The parties agreed on systematic cooperation in the areas of ensuring cyberdefense and countering information aggression, in particular, external interference during the presidential and parliamentary election campaigns.