Oleksandr Turchynov on Putin's threats to Ukrainian statehood: Irrespective of the threats from the Russian president, the Ukrainian state is and will be!
"Irrespective of the threats from the Russian president, the Ukrainian state is and will be!" This was stated by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchinov in his comment on the statement by the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin during the "call-in show".
Putin received a call from the occupied Donbas from a frightened Russian citizen who is a member of the Russian-terrorist grouping and who expressed "fear that the Ukrainian army can start an offensive operation during the World Cup"; the Russian president stated that such actions can lead to grave consequences for Ukrainian statehood as a whole.
"Ukrainian statehood is based on the courage, patriotism and faith of millions of free Ukrainians who can protect and preserve freedom, democracy and independence for their children. This is the fundamental difference between our state and Russia, which can exist only in a totalitarian environment where guardsmen, gendarmes, chekists and the KGB servicemen grip them with bars and wire against the spread. Russian "statehood" lies on the bones of millions of tortured and spilled innocent lives, - Mr. Turchynov said. - Regardless of mournings from the frightened Russian mercenaries and threats by the Russian President, Ukrainian military will react adequately to the threats and Ukrainian state is and will be, regardless of manic revanchists imperial desires".