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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine20.12.2017, 16:30

Oleksandr Turchynov: Amina Okuyeva is a true hero of the Ukrainian and Chechen peoples

Amina Okuyeva is a true hero of the Ukrainian and Chechen peoples. This was stated by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov at the opening of the exhibition in memory of lieutenant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Amina Okuyeva in Kyiv.

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine noted that Russia's military aggression against Ukraine is ongoing: "For the fourth year there was not a single day without military provocation, no day without the death or injury of children of Ukraine".

He stressed that Ukrainian fighters stopped the brutal Russian horde, not letting it move a single step to the West. "The enemy, unable to win at the front, is trying to destabilize the situation inside Ukraine. And one of the dirtiest forms of destabilization is the terror that they have unleashed trying to extinguish our heroes and defenders of Ukraine", - Mr. Turchynov said.

"In such a way, spurts of automatic gunfire stopped the heart of our Amina. The heart, which from birth had been tied with both the Ukrainian and Chechen peoples. The heart that tried to protect Ukraine", - Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine noticed.

Mr. Turchynov emphasized that Amina "was always in a dangerous place", recalling that in the early 2000-s she fought with Russian invaders in Chechnya with arms in her hands, and when the Revolution of Dignity began in Ukraine, she was on the Maidan from the first until the last day as a fighter of a Self-defense sotnya. "And nobody was surprised of that when the war began, she was among the first volunteers to take up arms to defend Ukraine at the most dangerous points. Sniper Amina saved lives of many, stopping treacherous bullets targeting Ukrainian hearts", - he said.

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine informed that in June this year, Amina Okuyeva had graduated with honors from the Faculty of Airborne Forces of the Military Academy. "Professional heroic warrior, human rights activist. Unique destiny, unique person. She became a true hero of the Ukrainian and Chechen peoples, and heroes do not die. True heroes always remain with their people, in the hearts of people, in their minds. They inspire and lead ahead", - Oleksandr Turchynov stated.