Oleg Hladkovskiy: By the end of the year two border control systems are expected to be supplied to Ukraine
First Deputy to the Secretary of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleg Hladkovskiy in Los Angeles has participated in a press conference on the occasion of first delivery to Ukraine of Early Warning System, produced by the American corporation "Aeroscraft" ("Aeros"), that is needed to ensure control over the border, surveillance and identification of enemy technique movement.
Oleg Hladkovskiy is on a work trip in the United States, together with the Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine Colonel-General Viktor Nazarenko.
According to Oleg Hladkovskiy, beginning of cooperation with "Aeros" corporation, in which enterprises of state concern "Ukroboronprom" will be participating, - "is an important step on the way of bilateral Ukrainian-American cooperation for strengthening of the protection of Ukrainian border".
"We are expecting for the supply of two border control systems later this year, and another six in 2016", - First Deputy to NSDC Secretary said, having explained that these systems would provide the capability to exercise the 24/7 surveillance over the border that, in its turn, will accelerate the appropriate response coordination".
CEO of "Aeros" Igor Pasternak and CA State Assemblyman Matt Dababneh also took part in the event.