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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine17.09.2015, 15:29

National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has supported the proposition of President of Ukraine on lifting the sanctions in regard of certain European journalists, – NSDC Press Service

On the proposal of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine into Annex 1 to the decision of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine from September 2, 2015 "On the use of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)", put into force by Presidential Decree of September 16, 2015 № 549, some foreign nationals were included, whose activities or public addresses encouraged terroristic breakouts at the territory of Ukraine, misinformed the international community regarding the events at the occupied territories, or those who illegally crossed the state border of Ukraine with the aim to penetrate the occupied territory.

Thus, for example, Spanish national César Vidal acted as an observer at the illegal referendum, and made statements about the artificial nature of Ukraine as a state. In particular, he stated: "...This artificial nation that is called Ukraine, is used as a weapon to threaten the Kremlin".

However, taking into account the significant public uproar and strategic importance of relations with the European Union, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has supported the proposition of President of Ukraine on lifting the sanctions in regard of European journalists:

- Anton Chicherov, UK

- Emma Wells, UK

- Angel Manuel Sastre, Kingdom of Spain

- Michael Rutts, Germany

- Jose Antonio Rodriguez Pampliyeha, Kingdom of Spain

- Steve Rosenberg, UK.