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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine09.04.2024, 09:47

Sum-up for Q I 2024: Financing of the security and defence sector has been implemented in full

013b0000-0aff-0242-e0d7-08dab1ffb6ff_w1023_r1_s.jpgWithin the framework of the supervision of the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine dated 9 October 2023 “On Proposals to the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2024” on the Items Related to Ensuring National Security and Defence of Ukraine”, enacted by the Decree of President of Ukraine No. 682 dated 9 October 2023, the NSDC Office has analysed the state of financing of security and defence sector of Ukraine for Q1 2024.

The total resource for 2024 for the needs of the security and defence sector is envisaged at UAH 1,692.6 billion, which is 22.1% of gross domestic product.

A total of UAH 1,551.8 billion is allocated in the general fund of the state budget for 2024 for the needs of the security and defence sector. During Q1 of the current year, the security and defence sector received UAH 465.2 billion from this source of financing, which is 100% of the quarterly and 30% of the annual targets. Thus, the financing of the security and defence sector from the general fund of the state budget was carried out in full in accordance with the monthly allocation schedule.
It is to be noted that the Government is taking measures to implement sub-clause 2 of clause 1 of the said Council’s decision. Thus, in January-March, an additional UAH 16 billion was allocated for the urgent needs of Ukraine’s security and defence sector.

In addition, the payment of salaries to servicemen, rank-and-file and senior officers, police officers and additional remuneration in accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 168 dated 28 February 2022, as well as one-time financial assistance to the families of fallen servicemen and other social benefits, was made in full. Ensuring the proper maintenance of the personnel of the security and defence forces and the implementation of social guarantees are important lines that are under constant control of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The level of financing in Q1 2024, according to the security and defence sector entities of Ukraine, made it possible to ensure financing of the key priority areas of their activities, including the purchase of material and technical resources, under martial law.

The NSDS Office keeps monitoring the state of financing of the security and defence sector entities as part of the control over the implementation of the Council’s decision.

For reference: In accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine” and the Budget Code of Ukraine, the NSDC Office shall prepare materials for the NSDC of Ukraine meeting “On Proposals to the Budget Declaration for 2025-2027 on the Items Related to Ensuring National Security and Defence of Ukraine” under the established procedure.