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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine04.04.2024, 16:23

Frontline, procurement of UAVs and electronic warfare equipment, air defence: The President of Ukraine chairs the Staff meeting

1d16b61-1680-1.jpgOn Thursday, 4 April, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy chaired a Supreme Commander-in-Chief’s Staff meeting where several key matters were discussed. Among them were the situation at the front, the procurement of UAVs and electronic warfare equipment, and countering the instruments of russian air terror.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi reported to the Staff’s meeting. He spoke in detail about the situation on the main frontline axes, informed about the results of stabilisation actions that helped stop the advance of the russian occupiers. In addition, Syrskyi shared intelligence data on the enemy’s future plans and the AFU’s response thereto.

The second matter concerned the procurement of UAVs and electronic warfare systems. “Reports from Defence Minister Rustem Umierov on the implementation of contracts for the purchase of UAVs and electronic warfare systems, and the preparation of new agreements. I instructed him to provide similar reports on the missile programme”, – noted Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

At the meeting, the Staff also discussed the fight against the instruments of russian air terror. Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatolii Barhylevych made a report.

“The results of using electronic warfare, mobile fire groups and air defence. A number of instructions for further improvement of our tactics”, – summed up the President of Ukraine.