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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine16.07.2018, 11:49

Oleksandr Turchynov: Development of new models of missile weapons is one of our key priorities

As part of the control over the implementation of the national missile program, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov visited the State Enterprise "VIZAR".

The management of this defense enterprise demonstrated to the NSDC Secretary new state-of-the-art equipment, which allows performing high-precision technological functions necessary for the production of modern missile systems.

According to Mr. Turchynov, new equipment was purchased and installed as part of the program of re-equipment of Ukrainian defense industry enterprises.

"The program of technological re-equipment of defense industry enterprises is actively being implemented this year, and, importantly, the new state-of-the-art machines were purchased by the plant under direct contracts for the implementation of the NSDC decision on the liberalization of the foreign trade activity of the defense-industrial complex", - he emphasized noticing that, under this decision, Ukrainian enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, can purchase technical equipment and necessary components for the production of powerful modern weapons abroad without monopolistic brokering of special state exporters.

"Today, we have seen work units where the latest technological lines of the best foreign manufacturers are installed, which allow us to increase production volumes three times, significantly improve the quality, and provide high precision to the processing components, which is vital for missile production", - Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine said adding that the "VIZAR" plant is involved in cooperation on the creation of new missile systems and the modernization of missiles in service in the Ukrainian army.

Oleksandr Turchynov also stressed that the "VIZAR" plant, as well as many other enterprises of the domestic defense-industrial complex, completed "a critical and difficult task, completely abandoning cooperation with Russian defense enterprises".

"Till 2014, the enterprise received 40% of components from the Russian Federation and exported 88% of its products to Russia! After 2014, these relations were broken and the company, at the expense of import substitution, fully ensured the production of its own products without Russian components, and, abandoning Russian markets, actively promoted its competitive products to new markets, restoring its export potential", - Mr. Turchynov pointed out.

At the meeting with the top-management and designers of the State Concern "Ukroboronprom" and "VIZAR" SE, under the chairmanship of the NSDC Secretary, the new tasks and priorities of the national missile program were also discussed. "The NSDC assigns the defense-industrial complex with the task to develop new advanced missile systems. This primarily refers to missiles that will provide reliable air defense to our country, and this is a priority on which "VIZAR" SE and other leading defense enterprises of Ukraine will work today", - he concluded.