Greetings of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov on the occasion of the Day of the Aerospace Industry Workers and the World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day
I congratulate the aerospace industry workers of Ukraine with the professional holiday!
You occupy a special place among the specialists of the strategic knowledge-intensive industries of Ukraine. You shape the image of Ukraine on the world stage as a technologically developed state, which has an immense intellectual potential in its arsenal.
Ukraine has kept its place in the club of space-faring nations of the world, not more than ten in general, along with the United States, the EU countries, India and China, and is step by step returning the position of the modern missile state, rapidly regaining strategic positions in missile building.
Despite the challenges facing Ukraine today, the development of the missile and space industry has been and remains a major direction for the state.
Ukraine fruitfully cooperates with international partners in implementing joint projects. In such a way, thanks to the efforts of scientists and manufacturers, the successful launch of the medium-class launch vehicle Antares-230, which placed Cygnus cargo ship with cargo for the International Space Station into orbit, was carried out.
The potential of the Ukrainian missile building school is actively used in resolving urgent issues of national security and defense of Ukraine. Modern military-missile systems are being created, and they can provide reliable protection of our state.
Therefore, I wish all the scientists, designers, engineers, workers engaged in the missile and space industry new achievements and successes that will become a worthy continuation of our best traditions and will contribute to further strengthening Ukraine's position as a high-tech space state!