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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine05.04.2018, 13:17

Oleksandr Turchynov: The parliament’s support of the draft law “On National Security” has become a significant step towards strengthening the defense and security of our state

The draft law "On National Security of Ukraine", which was worked out in close cooperation with the experts from NATO, the European Union and the United States and which implements the ideas embodied in the Strategic Defense Bulletin, should become a key tool in reforming the national security field. This was emphasized by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov when he was presenting the draft law submitted by the President of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Thursday.

According to Mr. Turchynov, adoption of this bill will be a significant step towards the introduction of the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance in Ukraine. "Reforms envisaged by the law will strengthen the security and defense sector of Ukraine, they must ensure the preservation of Ukrainian statehood in the face of modern threats and, above all, the aggression of the Russian Federation", - he said.

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine noted that the draft law introduces regulation of activities of the security and defense sector bodies in accordance with the norms and standards of the European Union and NATO. "First of all, - he said, - this refers to the management and leadership system of the Armed Forces and other security and defense sector bodies that will increase their ability to counter modern threats".

"The draft Law of Ukraine "On National Security of Ukraine" is of a framework nature, it establishes only the general outlines of the system of ensuring national security, - Mr. Turchyniv stressed. - This law enshrines the fundamental national interests of Ukraine such as ensuring state sovereignty and territorial integrity, integrating Ukraine into the European political, economic and legal space, gaining membership in the European Union and NATO".

Oleksandr Turchynov noticed the importance of guaranteeing reliable civil democratic control over the security and defense sector of Ukraine as well as of establishing the clear division of powers and competencies of the security and defense sector bodies, which will increase the effectiveness of coordination of their activities, improve the quality of resource management, reduce corruption risks, and limit unreasonable duplication of security functions and capabilities.

According to the NSDC Secretary, the draft law provides for "certain codification of legislation in the field of national security", in particular, it is proposed to integrate the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine "On Democratic Civilian Control over the Military Organization and Law Enforcement Bodies of the State" and "On Organization of Defense Planning".

Mr. Turchynov emphasized that the parliament's support of the draft law "On National Security of Ukraine" has become a significant step towards strengthening the defense and security of our state.

The draft law was approved in the first reading by the votes of 265 people's deputies.