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National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

HomeNewsOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine26.08.2014, 12:00

The situation in the Eastern regions of Ukraine 26.08.2014 + Maps

 Consolidated data of the Information and Analytical Centre of the NSDC of Ukraine 17:00 - 26 august 2014

Today in Minsk President of Ukraine met with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of Republic of Belarus Lukashenko. These meetings were held before consultations in format EU-Ukraine-"Eurasian Three". During the meetings the President of Ukraine said that he has high hopes for today's visit, which is aimed at restoring peace in the Donbass.

"The key position today - is the peace in the Donbas, which will stop the suffering of the people," - said Poroshenko. He is convinced that resolve the situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions is now more important than economic and energy issues. "The priority is peace," - said Petro Poroshenko.

President of Ukraine stressed that expects on the support of all neighboring countries, including Belarus and Kazakhstan on issues of providing of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

President Petro Poroshenko called on Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan to support his peace plan to resolve the situation in the Donbas.

"I am convinced that this plan today is actual, the only possible tool for stop the bloodshed and for providing of post-conflict reconstruction of Donbass. Therefore, I urge all participants of today's meeting to consider and if possible take the plan as a basis for the situation resolve in the Donbas" - said the President.

Against the background of the planned negotiations, reduction of Russia's support is not observed and as far as the transfer of military equipment into Ukraine. On the border with Ukraine near Gukovo (Rostov region of the Russian Federation) were found about 100 pieces of military equipment, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, trucks, "Grad" systems which are probably planned to be sent in Ukraine.

A spokesman of the Ministry of Defense Stephen Warren said that Russia continues to supply to the Donbass huge number of heavy weapons and also shells the Ukrainian military positions. "I can confirm that there were many Russian columns of heavy equipment, including tanks, rocket launchers, air defense systems and other heavy weapons," - said Warren.

The largest column, which was fixed by the American side about two weeks ago, concluded of 100 pieces of equipment, including tanks. In addition, according to the Pentagon, Russia fired Ukrainian territory with artillery and missile systems. These facts suggest that Russia says one thing and does quite the opposite, and this becomes the source of great concern. "Once again we urge the Russians immediately stop separatists support in Ukraine and begin to work for a peaceful settlement of the conflict", - said the representative of the Pentagon.

Military operations in the conflict zone

Ukrainian military are defending key areas in terrorists counter-attack directions. Armed Forces of Ukraine in cooperation with the Interior Ministry special forces and the National Guard of Ukraine perform tasks of search, disarmament, elimination of terrorists and subversive intelligence groups of Russian mercenaries in the village Rodakovo (Lugansk region). Ukrainian soldiers also conducted search-and-destroy actions  towards Komisarivka - Alchevsk.

Today, a new brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine enforced by armored vehicles arrived for combat missions in the ATO area. Part of this technique was presented to the Ukrainians at the Ukrainian Independence Day parade.

The situation in the conflict zone localities

Terrorists continue to shell residential areas in captured cities. As a result of attacks in Petrovsky district of Donetsk were killed three civilians, destroyed houses and the Kiev district of the city.

Due to terrorists fighting it was stopped the supply of electricity to the 4th ascent of Western Alchevsk filtration water plant, which delivers water to Bryanka, Stakhanov, Pervomaysk and Petrovsky in Luhansk region. In this regard, it was complicated the drinking water supply to the eastern part of the region.

On the border of ATO area the State Emergency Service of Ukraine deployed 7 transit points aimed to meet people who leaves the active combat zone. Each point can take 70-400 persons. In the Donetsk region - there are points in the area of Krasnoarmiysk, Volnovakha and Mariupol. In Lugansk region they are situated in Svatovo, Lysychansk, Shchastya, in Dnipropetrovs'k region - in Orly village (Pokrovsky district). 

The soldiers from the 1st combined detachment of the State Special Transport Service, which is stationed in Lviv, are rebuilding educational institutions in the Slovyansk. They restore facades, repair damaged buildings, and replace windows, working 24-hour long. They are going to finish the work on the four facilities until 1st September, so that children can learn there.

In general, during the Antiterrorist Operation there were damaged more than 280 schools of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 168 of which are located in the Donetsk region.

In addition, the officers of the State Special Transport Service protect from diversions 10 strategically important railway bridges in the Dnipropetrovs'k region, which borders the ATO-area and 2 road bridges in the Donetsk region, which were rebuilt instead of the destroyed bridges. After all, terrorists continue to undermine and destroy the transportation infrastructure.

International support

The  U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt has stated that the invasion of the territory of Ukraine by new columns of Russian tanks and heavy weapons means the beginning of a counter-offensive. "The new columns of Russian tanks and armor crossing into Ukraine indicates a Russian-directed counteroffensive may be underway" - he wrote on his page on Twitter.

In this regard, the United States of America are concerned about the plan, announced by the Russian Foreign Minister this week, aimed to send another "humanitarian convoy" to the East of Ukraine.  The spokesperson for the United States Department of State  Jennifer Psaki noted that much remained unknown in the case of the first Russian "humanitarian convoy". " We don't know what Russia brought into Ukraine, who it went to, and what Russia took out of Ukraine. We do know that Russia sent in a convoy of well over 200 trucks without the permission of the Ukrainian Government. We also know that Russia continues to fuel the conflict with weapons, training personnel, and material. It's also not clear that all the trucks and drivers departed. But in terms of those - that level of specificity, we don't have that at this point in time "- she said. Psaki also pointed out that the United States supported humanitarian assistance to the residents of Donbass, but it had to be done through the International Red Cross and agreed by the Ukrainian government, rather than in a unilateral way by the aggressor country.


 Consolidated data of the Information and Analytical Centre of the NSDC of Ukraine 12:00 - 26 august 2014


Military operations in the zone of conflict

Militants and the Russian armed forces in the ATO zone intensify their activity to the East and South of Donetsk region and increase provocations along the Ukrainian-Russian border. Thus Russia attempts from its side to create a new frontline of the armed confrontation in the south of Donetsk region. Precision strikes of the Ukrainian aviation and artillery destroyed 12 enemy's APCs after yesterday's break through the border near Novoazovsk. Now the Ukrainian military hold defense lines near Novoazovsk. The shelling of Novoazovsk itself by the Russian mercenaries continues at this moment. According to the current information, the town's hospital is on fire. The spokesman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko reported this at the traditional daily briefing.

Active fighting continues in the suburbs of Donetsk, Luhansk and Іlovaisk of Donetsk region, efforts are concentrated on closing all roads and driveways leading to Donetsk and Gorlivka to lock them completely. The fiercest battles are underway in the areas of Іlovaisk and Hryashchuvate.

During the day ATO forces entered 29 times into fire contacts with terrorists in the area of settlemens Kuteinikove, Svitle, Shcherbak, Huselschykove, Sabivka, Gorodishche, Vesela Gora, Verhulivka, Yasinuvata, Chumaky, Chervona Polyana, Mar'yinka, Krasnogorivka, Avdiyivka, Starobesheve, Mospine, Hryaschuvate, Faschivka, Styla.

For the past day the enemy loss in manpower reached more than 200 people. ATO forces destroyed 2 tanks, 8 armored combat vehicles, 2 MLRS "Grad", 2 cars and an artillery unit. Ukrainian military are fighting for Rodakove (Luhansk region). Controlled by Ukraine Armed Forces zone formed by settlements is  Jovte, Rodakove, Byle, Illyria, Malomykolayivka, Chervona Polyana, Kruglyk, Uspenka, Lutuhine, Heorhiyivka, Novosvitlivka and Hryaschuvate.

Near the settlement Dzercalne (Donetsk region) joint group of Armed Forces of Ukraine and Security Service of Ukraine detained 10 military airborne troopers of Russia from unit 71211, 331 Regiment, 98 Division. Detained with personal documents and weapons Russians already has been evidencing.

According to airborne troopers, their battalion on August 23, 2014 was relocated by rail to the Rostov region of Russia, and about 3 am on August 24 the unit was alerted and took   order to make a march as a part of the column of several dozen of armored assault vehicles. Only officers were informed that the Russian troops invade the territory of Ukraine. For fact of this invasion it was started criminal proceedings.

In such cases context, we appeal to the RF citizens and Russian military men families with the hope that the Russians realize that their children are perishing by dozens in Ukraine every day. We ask you to find out where to your member of the immediate family are send. Officially they are to exercise in different parts of the Russian Federation, and really take part in military aggression against Ukraine.

Frontier officers fix invasion in other parts of the border. On August 25 at the border section of "Red Talivka" (Luhansk region) it was detected sabotage-and-intelligence group that crossed the border from Russia. At 15:00 well camouflaged border patrol stopped the movement of saboteurs by automatic fire shooting. Additional operational and combat teams of border guards came there to reinforce the battle. A fierce battle with Russian mercenaries lasted 2.5 hours. Subversive group was supported by fire from the Russian Federation - with mortars, 2 assault armored vehicles and 2 infantry combat vehicles. In addition, Ukrainian border guards were fired by unguided rockets from 2 combat helicopters Mi-24 of Russian Armed Forces. During the battle four border guards were killed and three - wounded. Because of the actions of the heroes the border break failed. The enemy suffered considerable loses. Wounded and killed saboteurs were evacuated from the battlefield to Russian territory on assault armored vehicles with infantry combat vehicles and helicopters fire undercover.

Now we are checking the information about great column of military vehicles that went in Sukhodolsk from Russia.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine received reinforcements with domestic appliances in the area of ​ ATO. During the day to the battle zone it have arrived the armored vehicles, which took part in the military parade on the occasion of Independence Day of Ukraine. There were an armored car "Cougar", designed for combat in the city area, the modernized armored cars "KrAZ" to transport personnel, howitzer batteries and multiple launch rocket systems.

 The situation in the conflict zone localities 

Terrorists continue to shell residential areas in localities. As we have said before Novoazovsk came under fire. In Stanichno-Luhansk (Lugansk region) the militants fired buildings of district hospital and residential areas.

According to the Command Control Centre of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine militants in cooperation with Russian customers organized disassembling of strategic military-industrial complex, including Luhansk Plant of Electronic Engineering and "Yunist'" Plant in Krasnodon. Currently 4 cars with high-precision equipment removed from Donetsk plant "Tochmash" to Makeevka for a possible further removal to Russia.

According to "Ukrtelecom" yesterday at 12:25 it was resumed telephone and Internet connection in localities Alchevsk, Rubezhnoye, Sieverodonets'k, Kreminna in Lugansk region and Alexandrovka, Selidovo, Slovyansk Dobropillya, Kramators'k, Kostiantynivka, Druzhkivka in Donetsk region.

International support

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has discussed the situation in Ukraine with the President of the European Council  Herman Van Rompuy. The dialogue concerned the crossing of the Ukrainian border by Russian armored vehicles and the intention of Moscow to send another so-called "humanitarian" convoy to Ukraine. The President of Ukraine also called the President of the European Council to take comprehensive measures in order to stop the ongoing war in the center of Europe.

The parties agreed that the Ukrainian question may become the subject of a separate discussion by the Heads of State and Government of the EU member-countries. The President of Ukraine Herman Van Rompuy are to meet on August 30 in Brussels to further discuss the situation in detail as well as and the position of the EU.

 Sweden's Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt described the latest in a series of Russian military invasions of the territory of Ukraine on August 25 as a new level of conflict.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic called on Russia to stop the supplies of heavy weapons and shellfire of Ukrainian units, as well as other steps, aimed to further destabilize the situation in the East of Ukraine. This official Prague condemned the murder of Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Luhansk.